Kelsey Badari 2D animator and builds artist
Kelsey badari
I am a 2D animator heading straight out of college where I’m on my way to hopefully be graduating among the top of my class at the center for arts and technology. My hope is to become a build expert but I also really enjoy the whole animating process. I held a high average over all through college where I got along well with all my teachers and peers. I like to think I work well in a group setting and I always take great consideration in the feedback that I receive on both myself and my work.
I have a lot of customer service under my belt along with some manager training in my past jobs. I also have a lot of experience with doing commission work in which I had to communicate with a client to find out exactly what they wanted and get it to them within a chosen time. I would put in the extra time to make sure I bring you a quality product when you want it.
I really enjoy a bright welcoming work environment where feedback and teamwork is priority. I want a chance to create something amazing that’s going to bring a smile to people's faces.